1st August, 2023. Technocad would like to inform their customers that they can obtain the Technocad V2023 software versions of their Technocad Civil Infrastructure software in 64-bit format.
The products are compatible with Autodesk AutoCAD® 2023, AutoCAD Map 3D® 2023 and AutoCAD Civil 3D® 2023, or other AutoCAD® V2023 derivative products. The products that are available are SurfMate V2023, RoadMate V2023, PipeMate-3D V2023, WaterMate-3D V2023, RebarMate V2023 and DatumMate V2023.
Our customers that have current Technocad software maintenance and technical support agreements on their licensed software are eligible for free of charge upgrades to V2023.
Licensing Options
The software is available in both Standalone licensing (SLM) and Network Licensing (NLM) formats, with the NLM format still being popular. In addition, should the software be required for short periods of time, then Technocad offer a Subscription licensing model option as well.
Technocad would like to thank all their customers and partners for their continued support and valued feedback, helping to make the software technically advanced, yet user-friendly.